ICE is run by a team of passionate, nerdy volunteers.

Have a question, concern, bad knock-knock joke?

Want to know who to talk to to get more involved in different aspects of the community?

Here’s who you need to know.

The Chairpairs

In the spirit of improv, we have a duo heading each committee. Reach out to either or both!

All chairpairs can be reached through the community email address,, via WhatsApp message, or, you know, a tap on the shoulder.


Drop-ins, regardless of weeknight, belong to the sessions team. They’re the chewy nougat center of ICE.

Thiago Bremm

Mauro Salazar


The events team takes care of Showjams, courses, and workshops. If it’s not a session or a drop-in, it goes here.

Erica Maity

Shane Alpert


Whether it’s the website, design or socials, the comms team is responsible for keeping things pretty and clear.

Renée van Kemenade

Erica Maity


The admin team keeps things organized. They dream in spreadsheets, and keep an iron hold over our Google Drive.

Shane Alpert

Jon Irigoyen


The finance team handles the money. We can improvise a lot of things, but sometimes capitalism is unavoidable.

Jochem Berndsen

Thiago Bremm

The Trustees

If you ever feel uncomfortable with a situation or individual in the community, INCLUDING the chairpairs, we want to make sure that you have someone to reach out to.

Our trustees are neutral parties who exist to listen to your concerns and resolve concerning situations.

Jennifer Wiesbeck

+49 I5 7353 2448I

Julia Ramos

+3I 06 8l03 6699

Spyros Chatzizacharias

+3I 06 434O O272