Improv Community of Eindhoven

Drop-in beginner classes.

Weekly on Tuesdays

19:00 - 21:00


Monthly on Fridays

20:00 - 22:00

Improv Improvement classes.

Monthly on Wednesdays

19:00 - 21:00



Code of Conduct

The Improv Community of Eindhoven is committed to providing a safe space for all people to play. We strive to help people find positivity and connection while celebrating the unique things that make them, well, them. We always want to honor your right to feel comfortable while getting very silly.

While good friends and experienced troupes can tackle any topic under the sun in their improv, we definitely have some boundaries here at ICE. That’s because we welcome everyone to our drop-ins and shows. Every human has their own very personal set of boundaries - things their body can and cannot do, things they’re comfortable improvising about and things they’re not - so, we’ve set some global guidelines to ensure safe, fun play for all.

They are:

Be kind to each other and yourself.

We all have a better time when we lift each other up instead of putting each other down.

Be inclusive and accepting.

We celebrate diversity of all kinds. If you are considering starting a scene or saying something that might antagonize someone who is different from you, play a silent game of “new choice” with yourself first.

Respect each other’s boundaries, both physical and mental.

At ICE events you’re likely to play with lots of people you’ve never met before. Since you don’t know their boundaries, keep touching to what would be considered workplace appropriate, and avoid divisive or distressing topics (like politics, war, or violence).

Respect your own boundaries.

“Yes, and” doesn’t mean you can’t say no. If you’re asked to do something that is physically or mentally uncomfortable, please make whatever adjustments you need to be comfortable (such as walking instead of crawling or sitting instead of standing). You can also ask for a new suggestion or simply say, “Nope!” at which point we’ll restart any scene or game either with a new prompt or new people, no questions asked.

If you ever feel uncomfortable, unsafe or unwelcome at an ICE event, please speak to anyone on the Our Team page right away. Keeping our drop-ins, classes, and shows safe and welcoming is the most important responsibility of our leadership team, and we want to help.